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Ways To Advertise Your Business On The Internet For Very Little Money

If you are trying to figure out how to get more visitors to your website without spending an arm and a leg to do it, read on. This article will show you 2 easy ways to do it that actually are proven to work. 1. Article Marketing This means exactly what it says. You write and submit articles to market you business. The easiest way to do that is use Submit Your Article.

You can submit 8 articles each month with them. They in turn will submit your article to hundreds of article directories for you. With each article you are allowed to include a bio box. This is a short classified ad resource box where you get to promote yourself and your business. A good bio box is one where your reader wants to click on the link to your website to find out more information.

To get even better exposure for your article, Submit Your Article offers a program called "Article Leverage" which takes about 20 minute to complete. This is a very simple program where you will rewrite your article into multiple variations. It creates hundreds of unique variations which are then submitted to various article directories.

To rewrite an article you will be asked to rewrite the title, introduction, sentences within the body, the closing, and your bio box. It is easy to do because you are looking at the original and then rewriting it. I am serious when I say it is very easy to do. If you can type you can do this. A membership with Submit Your Article is $37 a month. 2.

Blogging You should post short 250-300 word articles in your blog several times a month. This could be once a week, or even daily. How often depends on you. Just be consistent with it.

Hosting your own WordPress Blog with a social bookmarking plugin in is the easiest way to promote your blog. You can quickly bookmark each blog article to some of the most popular social directories such as Google Bookmarks, Digg, Stumbleupon, and Windows Live. This is good for search engine bait. The search engines spider these social directories all of the time. As you bookmark to them on a regular basis they will start spidering your blog more often too! The main benefit to you is increased traffic for the primary keyword in your blog post.

Over time you can find yourself on page one of hundreds of search engine results. This is free traffic and it is very targeted traffic as well. Google search "Jeff Houdyschell" and check out his blog builder service. He will build you a WordPress blog for less than $25.

The other thing you can do is pick up a free copy of 'The Authority Black Book" by Jack Humphrey. This is a tremendous resource for learning everything you need to know about Web 2.0 and maximizing your blog to get unlimited free traffic. 3. Hire An Article Writer Some of you do not want to write. You may not be good at it, or you may be to busy to do it.

In that case you should hire an article writer to write for you. I am always amazed at how many people will spend hundreds, or even thousands of dollars a month on pay per click advertising and yet they do not have an article marketing campaign going. I am not suggesting to eliminate your ppc advertising campaign. But I am saying that you ad to it by including article marketing via article and social directories. This is a long term approach to promoting your internet business. Backlinks to your website or blog from the articles you have all over the web can bring you traffic for years to come.

A ppc ad is gone the minute you quit paying for it. You can view it this way. Pay Per Click advertising is great for immediate traffic and article marketing is great for long term residual traffic.

I have presented 2 ways to promote your business online. This takes a little time each month. However, it is time well spent as there is nothing more important you can do than work at getting quality traffic to your website.

Jeff Schuman is the creator of Hands Off Article Marketing a program designed to help internet business owners easily promote with articles they do not have to write themselves. For all of your article marketing needs please visit his top rated website here: ---> http://article-writer.team-schuman.com

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