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Facebook Friend Adder Rules Web Marketing

A prominent venture capitalist recently remarked, "Once a social operating system takes over a country, it's like it becomes the native language of that country." What social operating system was being discussed? The online social network Facebook, which has displaced MySpace and Friendster as the "in" place to hang out, hook up with friends, and express yourself in the online universe. A little later in this article, you're going to find out how to talk the talk and walk the walk when it comes to marketing on Facebook.

First, an explanation of what Facebook means to the internet - and why all the mammoth marketers are tripping all over themselves to become part of this lucrative new sensation. Now gaining dominance in North America and Western Europe, Facebook is set to go global. But being loved and used by millions isn't everything. Facebook is also a prime example of the next level of the internet world - Web 3.

0 and the unique possibilities of the semantic web. The reason why Microsoft, Google and Yahoo! have all battled for a piece of Facebook, with Microsoft paying a big two hundred and forty million dollar bill for their victory, is that these companies see Facebook's use of its own operating system within its website instead of the computer's own OS such as Windows as the next Big Thing. It's what's made Facebook such a big thing already among internet users.

Back in May, 2007, Facebook invited outside companies and developers to create Facebook tools for the site and share in the advertising revenues at Facebook as a reward. Over the next six months, Facebook users have been introduced to over five thousand new free applications - every day there are new "toys" and ways to share information with friends. With this massive array of things to do, and such a mellow environment in which to do it, it's not surprising an average of two hundred thousand new users are joining Facebook every day. So the users are there, and their numbers are growing.

As a marketer, you're no doubt wondering, "How do I reach these Facebook users? I don't have Microsoft's hundreds of millions to spend. I don't have the technological know-how to develop a killer app of my own. What can I do to cash in?" Believe it or not, you don't have to do anything except run your business as you normally do, while a special automated system does all the work for you. A Facebook Bot like the Stealth Friend Bomber, Facebook Edition, is your gateway to over fifty million new potential customers. How? The Stealth Friend Bomber's Facebook Friend Adder will automatically generate Mass Facebook Friend Requests, Messages and Pokes. And soon, you've marketed yourself across the hottest cyberspace gathering.

If you want to reach Facebook users, the Stealth Friend Bomber, Facebook Edition is Facebook marketing software will help you walk the walk and talk the talk - in the language Facebook users understand.

Sky-rocket business profits instantly with the best Facebook Friend Adder on the planet! This cutting-edge Facebook Bot allows you to attract boatloads of traffic and paying customers consistently. Try the free demo today!

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